About Lesson
Benefits of multi storied cropping
- Income per unit area increases substantially with this system and ensures a more evenly distribution of income and employment throughout the year from harvesting crops in different season
- Minimize risks of crop yield loss. This system enables a steady supply of farm production the whole round the year
- Generates jobs and provides better labor use pattern
- Helps to maximize land use. All growing space is used as crop fit together vertically (tall, medium, and short), horizontally (all planting spots occupied) and underground (deep rooted and shallow rooted plants)
- Reduces the impacts of hazards like high intensity rainfall, soil erosion and landslides Efficiently utilizes the soil moisture at different depths of soil and catch solar energy at different heights
- Improve the soil characteristics and adds organic matter to soil
- Effective utilization of leaching materials
- It helps is effective weed control
- Increase bio diversity which reduces pest and disease pressure
- Provide micro climate conditions that benefit crops underneath
Example of multistoried cropping:
Coconut+banana+black pepper
- Shade tolerant crop multistoried cropping Pineapple, pepperes, taro, turmeric, ginger etc.