Course Content
Meaning of horticulture, its branches and its relation with other disciplines
Riverbed farming
Learn Introductory Horticulture with Rahul
About Lesson

Challenges in promoting underutilized horticulture crops

  • Overharvesting of foods from the wild
  • Lack of documentation of traditional/indigenous knowledge on management of wild species (identifying/selecting, harvesting, consuming)
  • Sustaining wild foods in the face of increasing market demand
  • Lack of scientific evidence on the value of wild plants (nutritional as well as other properties)
  • Ownership and benefit sharing of indigenous knowledge
  • Lack of management plans for sustainable wild crop harvesting
  • Lack of agronomic data on different wild plant species
  • Resistance from high levels and lack of political support for promoting underutilized foods
  • Lack of and difficulty in certification and traceability of wild species
  • Lack of consumer awareness on the value of indigenous crop
  • Conflicting interest at different levels of the value chain
  • With commercialization, there is the danger of the indigenous community losing control
  • Protection of prices for farmers, inclusion of women and persons with disabilities