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Plant Propagation by cutting
A) Stem Cutting:
- This is the most important type of cutting and can be divide into four types based on the nature of the wood used in the cutting
i) Hard wood cutting
ii) Semi- hard wood cutting
iii) Soft- wood cutting
iv) Herbaceous cutting
- In propagated by stem cuttings, segment of shoots containing lateral or terminal buds handled under proper condition to develop adventitious roots and form independent plants
B) Leaf Cuttings:
- Leaf cutting is successful in propagation of ornamental plants
- Mostly succulent plants having thick and leathery leaves are propagated through leaf cutting
- Begonia, sansevieria, crassula etc. are propagated through leaf cutting
- The leaf is separated from mother plant and planted in suitable medium where it gives out roots and generates a complete plant
- In these type cuttings, the leaf blade, sometimes with petiole, is utilized in starting a new plant
- In most cases adventitious roots and an adventitious shoot develop at the leaf base
C) Root Cuttings
- The plants capable of producing sucker are good for root cutting
- For propagation, roots of 2-3 cm thickness are selected, the length of cutting is kept to 10-15 cm
- In temperate fruits, root cuttings are prepared during December and for subtropical plants cuttings is prepared during rainy season
- In preparing root cuttings the period when the plant is in rapid growth must be avoided
- It is important to maintain the correct polarity when planting the root cuttings
- The cutting can also be planted in field directly with necessary hormonal treatment
While prepare cuttings, slanting cut is prepared on proximal end and round cutting is prepared at distal end of root
- Proximal end is that nearest to stem-root junction and that and that farthest to stem root junction is distal end
- E.g. Guava, Apple, Bael, are suitable for root cutting