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Meaning of horticulture, its branches and its relation with other disciplines
Riverbed farming
Learn Introductory Horticulture with Rahul
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Effects of low temperature stress

i. Black heart:

  • It is a form of winter injury in which pith is killed, heart wood and xylem is darkened shiny black while the cambium and bark remain alive


ii. Crotch injury

  • It is characterized by killing of bark and cambium tissues in the crotches of both large and small branches
  • Bark cells die, crack and food supply is disturbed and plants die


iii. Crown or collar injury

  • Usual type of damage caused by severe frost is at the ground level
  • In such cases, bark of young trees is killed and cracked open
  • The inner sap carrying tissue is ruptured through freezing
  • It may also extend up to the roots
  • Bridge grafting and painting over damaged portion overcome this


iv. Splitting of bark

  • Generally caused by severe frost occurrence and it may extend to the entire length of branches or trunk under extreme condition


v. Killing bark of shoot & young branches

  • Tropical and sub-tropical fruit trees may be damaged by frost in early winter or early spring
  • In fruit like mango, flower may be killed while in other fruits like citrus and papaya, even fruits may be injured


vi. Frost damage/ winter kill

  • Deciduous fruit trees shed their leaves during winter and go to dormancy
  • But the evergreen fruit trees don’t go to dormancy so they are severally damaged (tender shoots, fruits, etc.)
  • Frost affected fruit shows dry patches and bear tasteless juices
  • Tasteless juice in guava and citrus is due to thin layer of ice crystals deposited on soil and plant surface
  • The young plant and top shoot may be killed immediately.