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Causes of Dormancy
- Seed coat factors
a. Seed coat impermeable to water
- Common in seeds of leguminaceae, malvaceae, convolvulaceae and chenopodiaceae
- Seed coat with thick waxy cuticle, lignin and suberin barriers makes seeds impermeable to water
b. Seed coat impermeable to oxygen
- Any disturbances to the entry of oxygen and exit of CO2 decreases respiration and there by remains in dormant condition
c. Mechanically resistant seed coat
- Hard seed coats of nuts make it difficult for embryo to germinate and break the seed coat
- High salt concentration in water also aids to cause mechanical resistance to germination
- Embryo factors
a. Immature/rudimentary embryo
- Found in Ranunculus spp.
- These embryos require after ripening though their growth is completed morphologically
- This is also called physiological dormancy
- Inhibitory Factors
- The inhibitors (e.g : coumarin, caffeic acid, ferulic acid and ABA) may present in the embryo, endosperm or seed coat or pericarp
- These inhibitors deactivate enzymes like Amylase, protease and phytase
- This will limit the supply of simple substances like sugars and fatty acids
- If the ratio of these inhibitors is higher than the that of endogenous hormones especially GA the seeds remain dormant till a balance between them is reached in favor of growth promoters.