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Meaning of horticulture, its branches and its relation with other disciplines
Riverbed farming
Learn Introductory Horticulture with Rahul
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  • Orchard layout is a process of locating the actual position of plants in plot for planting fruit crops
  • The fruit plants should be arranged in the plot in such a way that each plant gets sufficient space for proper growth and development and also the total space gets properly utilized to accommodate the requisite number of plants per unit area
  • Important factors to be considered for proper layout of orchard are system of planting and spacing of individual fruit species
  • Various types of planting systems are used to achieve maximum efficiency in the production
  • The system of planting depends on size, tree density and management strategy
  • The high-density planting of smaller trees to achieve early production and maintain high quality fruits are new trend in fruit farming
  • Hence, system of planting depends upon various factors such as slope of land, purpose of utilizing orchard space and convenience, etc.