About Lesson
Objectives of training and pruning:
- To control the shape, size and form of a tree :
- To get the desired tree, training and pruning training and pruning can be used to maintain the shape and size
- Plant should be maintained in organized fashion by removing unwanted portion or plant
- To improve quality, color and size of fruit
- In some ornamental plants and fruit trees, many buds and fruits are produced at a time in a branch
- If these are developed into flower, the quality decreases
- Thus proper training and pruning is necessary to properly maintain all these
- To develop a strong and open framework
- For a better framework, a tree must have only one main stem and other several scaffold (primary) branches and many secondary and tertiary branches
- So the narrow crotch angle branches should be removed and the branches should be well distributed around the tree; at least should go apart from one another
- Thus training and pruning help to develop a strong and open framework
- Equal and uniform distribution of light to the plant
- To facilitate cultivation, insect control and easy harvesting of fruits
- To remove injured unnecessary, diseased and infected plant parts
- To rejuvenate old plants
- In some old unproductive orchard trees, severe pruning encourage the development of vigorous shoot
- Coffee, rose, bougainvillea, can be rejuvenated by severe pruning
- By removing disease and damaged branches we can rejuvenate the plant by encouraging new shoot development