Course Content
Meaning of horticulture, its branches and its relation with other disciplines
Riverbed farming
Learn Introductory Horticulture with Rahul
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  1. Central Leader System:
  • In this system, the trunk is allowed to grow without any hindrance and there will be less growth among the side branches
  • This method is occasionally found in nut bearing trees and apple
  • Narrow spaced and weak crotch branches are removed by pruning
  • At developed stage, the tree looks like a pyramid
  • The trees maintained in this style are physiologically strong
  • However, horticultural practices like pruning, spraying, harvesting, etc are difficult to carry out as the tree becomes tall. Eg: nut fruits


Fig : Central ladder system


  1. Open centre(multiple, leader, vase shape) system
  • In this system, main stem is cut off as headed back allowing the side branches to develop
  • It should be done 1 m above the ground
  • Cutting is done after 1 year of transplanting
  • Due to heading back, the tree becomes spreading type with central portion open
  • Light penetration is uniform and easy which helps in the development of fruits in inner branches
  • As the tree becomes low headed, the horticultural practices, pruning, thinning, spraying and harvesting becomes easy
  • However tree becomes bushy and crowded. So crotches may break under severe stress and fruit load. Eg : plum, peach, apricot, cherry, etc.


Fig : Open centre system


  1. Modified leader system
  • It is an intermediate of central leader and open centre system
  • Here, main stem is allowed to grow 4-5 years then cut off, leaving 3-4 branches below it
  • Cutting should be done at 2m above ground level
  • This is the most desirable and applied type since it has benefits for both central leader and open centre system


Fig : Modifies leader system