In the world today there is an increasing tendency to consume fruit and vegetables in their fresh state following their harvest fruit and vegetables are prone to spoilage as a result of respiration, biochemical changes and microbiological activity, all of these factors depending on ambient condition.
Losses in quantity and quality affect horticultural crops between harvest and consumption. The magnitude of postharvest losses in fresh fruit and vegetables is an estimated 5-25% in developed country and 20-50 % in developing countries depending upon the commodities.
So, the importance of postharvest horticulture has been realized in the recent years. Various efforts have been made at international level to minimize postharvest losses of agricultural commodities.
Proper postharvest handling is an additional or complementary method of solving food needs or of increasing the amount of food available for consumption. The importance of proper postharvest handling is best-demonstrated in fruit and vegetables.
So that, the important of post-harvest horticulture can be realized on the basis of following issues.
- Availability of new diversified products:
- Storage of fresh fruits, vegetables and cut flowers provides diversified products throughout the year. It is possible to extend shelf life of many horticultural commodities by controlling storage environment.
- Various preserve products (Pickles, Jam, Jelly, Candies etc.) can also be prepared from fruits and vegetable and utilized throughout the year.
- Utilization of surplus fruits and vegetables:
- Most of the horticultural commodities are perishable in nature and cannot be stored for longer duration.
- During the peak period of production, the postharvest loss is very high.
- By utilizing storage and processing technology surplus number of fruits and vegetables can be stored or preserved to utilize during scarce period.
- Availability in off-season:
- All most all the horticultural commodities are seasonal in nature. The production of the fruits and most of the vegetables is controlled by the external environment.
- During the production period there is surplus fruits and vegetables in the market as a result the price is low, while during other period there is scarcity as a result the price is very high.
- It is only possible to utilize surplus products by appropriate postharvest handling.
4.Better health:
- Fruits and vegetables are the rich source of protein, vitamins, minerals and enzymes which are important for the normal functioning of the body and provide resistance to many diseases.
- The per capita requirement of fruit and vegetables is 100 and 350 gram respectively per person per day. By appropriate storage and preserve practices it is possible to continue the supply through out the year.
5.Industrial development in Nepal:
- Majority of the people (>68%) in Nepal depends in agriculture.
- The contribution of agriculture to total gross domestic products (GDP) is 42.68% of which 16.2 % is from fruits and vegetables (CBS, 1977).
- At present situation it is not possible to establish bigger industries in the country. Since agricultural product are the main resource material it is possible to establish agricultural based industries. It is possible to export fresh fruits and processed products to other nation. There is a great scope to establish fruit processing industries in the country. There is a tremendous scope to export fruits vegetables and cut flowers to other nations.
6.More jobs for people:
- The job opportunity is very less in Nepal. Many people go abroad each year in search of job. If opportunities are made available within the nation the problem of unemployment can be minimized.
- Besides production, marketing is the serious problem in horticultural commodities. In the situation where land holdings are small, producers are small farmers, it is the responsibility of the government to organize efficient marketing system.
- It is the present need to establish linkage with other nation for the export of horticultural commodities.
7.Economic-benefit/food-security minimization of losses:
- At present there is about 25-50% postharvest losses of fruit and vegetables. We can save thousands of tons of fruits and vegetables by preventing postharvest losses.
- Moreover reduction of losses is more economical rather than to increases in production. It is very difficult to increase 10%yield but it is easy to reduce 10% loss, thus supply of fruits and vegetables can be significantly increased without bringing additional land into production and without bring additional inputs. This hypothesis is proved by the following example.
Q.In Nepal estimated yield of citrus per year is 80000 metric tons. If existing loss is 30%what is the amount of loss. Prove which is more economical.
- To reduce 10% reduction is existing losses or
- To increase 10% yield with existing 30% losses.
- The loss in 80,000 mt (at the rate of 30%)= 24000 mt
Net available =56000 mt
- If we increase 10% yield and existing loss is =30%
Then, 80,000+8000 = 88,000 mt
30% loss = 26400 mt loss
Net available = 88000-26400 = 61600 mt
- If we reduce 10% loss I,e from 30% to 20% the loss in 80000 will be
80000 X 20/100 = 16000Mt
Net available = 8000- 16000 = 64000 mt
From the above calculation it is proved that with 10% loss reduction we have net availability 64000 mt which is greater then 61600 mt (I,e 10% increases in yield with existing 30% losses).
- The wastage of energy used to produce and market will be minimized or eliminated.
- A tremendous increase in yield has been achieved by applying chemical fertilizers and pesticides. However they might have harmful effect to human health.
- On the view of environment it is not worthy to bring additional land into cultivation. More over to produce more requires more energy and inputs.
- The excess energy needed to compensate postharvest loss can be minimized by reducing postharvest loss.
- The problem of garbage disposal and consequent pollution will be minimized.
- The postharvest losses are mainly due to wilting, disease and insect infestation.
- The losses incurred during transport, storage and subsequent handling also causes problem of garbage disposal.