About Lesson
Preharvest factors role in physiological deterioration
A) Temperature:
- Fruits exposed to sun results in blotchy ripening.
- Larger fruits are more susceptible because of lower heat transfer coefficient resulting from their relatively smaller surface to volume ration.
B) Moisture Stress:
- Imbalance in moisture status of sol and outside environment causes cracking of fruits.
- Cracking of fruits is severe when water stress is followed by rainfall.
C) Mineral nutrition:
- Calcium deficiency causes blossom end rot in tomato and capsicum, eggplant, squash, etc,
- Calcium deficiency also causes cracking in fruits, and spongy tissue of mango.
- Some other symptoms include Internal breakdown of mango, bitter pit in apple, Jonathan Spot.
- Boron deficiency includes lumpiness in papaya, cork spot in pear, Black head in cauliflower, etc.
- Excess nitrogen causes stem end rind breakdown of citrus.
- Copper deficiency causes exanthema.