About Lesson
- Docking or removal of the tail.
- That part of the tail remaining on the body is referred to as the dock.
- This process is necessary in most sheep breeds for the following reasons:-
a) To improve sanitary conditions, since the long wool on the tail will become saturated with feces and urine and become a target for fly strikes or screwworm infestation.
b) To increase productivity in ewes, in which the tail may interfere with breeding and lambing.
c) To improve the appearance of sheep for exhibition in the show ring.
d) To increase the value of market lambs.
- For best results, lambs should be docked before they are 2 weeks of age. Docking is accomplished by severing the tail, preferably between the vertebrae.
- The tail should be removed at the end of the caudal folds on the underside of the tail, one inch from the body.
- Docking can be done in a number of different ways viz. a sharp pocket knife, an emasculator, emasculatome (Burdizzo), elastrator (rubber rings), hot docking irons and “All-in-one” pliers and pruning shears.