Course Content
Housing principles and housing of ruminant
Artificial rearing of newborn calf (cattle, buffalo, yak and chauri)
Grooming and dusting of farm animals
Judging and selection of cattle, buffalo
Milk secretion and let down of milk
Learn Ruminant Production with Rahul
About Lesson


  • To eradicate ectoparasites.
  • To prevent spread of sheep scab.
  • To ward off attack by sheep blow flies.
  • To remove waste materials and dung from fleece.
  • To get clean wool.


Methods of dipping:

(a) Hand bath: It is used for small flock. A tank of galvanized iron(1.2 x1.0 x 0.5 m) is used. Sheep are lifted one by one into the bath and kept for two minutes. The sheep are placed on drained board to drain off surplus dip back into dip tank. Two persons dip the sheep and one catches them.

(b) Swim bath: It is used for large size flock. Two to three sheep are dipped at a time. These swim through bath and walk up the ramp. While swimming these are guided by a man with dipping fork or pole.