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Meaning of horticulture, its branches and its relation with other disciplines
Riverbed farming
Learn Introductory Horticulture with Rahul
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Application of fertilizers

  • For maximizing efficiency, fertilizers should be applied in root zones of the plants
  • There are different methods of application in practice is mentioned below:


  1. Broadcasting
  • Application of fertilizers in the entire field uniformly is termed as broadcasting
  • In this technique, wastage of nutrient is maximum and it is not worth sound adoptions


  1. Top dressing
  • It implies to application of fertilizer in standing crop
  • Nitrogen and micronutrients fertilizers are administered to the plant using this method#


  1. Localized placement
  • In this technique, fertilizers are applied close to the seeds or plants
  • This technique is very much economic and less quantity of fertilizers is required for the purpose of applying the nutrients


  1. Band placement
  • In this technique, the fertilizers are applied in band
  • This is especially useful in widely spaced crops like fruits and plantation crops in which by applying in band close to the root spread, the fertilizer saving is achieved


  1. Row placement
  • It consists of placing the fertilizers along the rows
  • Fertilizers may be applied in one or both sides of the rows depending upon the spread of crop
  • This technique is suitable for application of fertilizers in vegetables crops



  1. Pellet placement
  • In this technique, fertilizers are applied in pellet form
  • For making pellet, soil and fertilizers are mixed in the ratio of 1:10 and made into a dough
  • Small pellets are made out of it and placed in root zone of plant


  1. Others forms of application
  • Starter solution: it is mild solution of NPK in the ratio of 1:2:1 used for soaking seed, dipping roots and spraying over seedling for early start of the crop. Feeding starter solution the seedlings establish early and start growth soon
  • Fertigation: application of fertilizers along with irrigation water is called fertigation
  • Foliar spray: mild solution of nutrient is applied over foliage