Course Content
Meaning of horticulture, its branches and its relation with other disciplines
Riverbed farming
Learn Introductory Horticulture with Rahul
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Course of growth/ Growth Curve (Grand Period of Growth)

The course of growth can be divided into four parts:

  • Lag Phase
  • Log Phase (Exponential or Linear Phase)
  • Decreasing / Stationary / Steady Phase
  • Death phase or Senescent Phase


a. Lag Phase:

  • It is an initial growth phase. During this phase, little growth occurs. Events that occurs in this phase include germination and vegetative growth.
  • The increased in size or weight is very slow or negligible.


b. Log Phase (Exponential or Linear Phase):

  • It is usually a short phase, and there is rapid growth.
  • The rapid growth rate continues when the plant develop its photosynthetic mechanisms
  • Therefore , this phase is also called exponential phase or Grand Period of Growth
  • In all cases of growth, the log phase declines and the rate of growth begins to decrease
  • The point at which this occurs is known as the inflection point


c. Decreasing / Stationary / Steady Phase:

  • In this phase, the rate of growth declines again after the log phase


  • In this phase, the flow of food to the vegetative organs is finally ceased
  • Plant activities in this phase include cell maturation


d. Death phase or Senescent Phase:

  • After a period of maximum growth, there is a period of negative (senescence) before the death of the plants


Fig : lag , log and steady phase