About Lesson
- Dormancy is defined as physical or physiological condition of the seed that prevents germination in the presence of otherwise favorable conditions for germination
- Dormancy may occur within the embryo (groundnut) or in the seed coat (sunflower)
- The period of dormancy varies from a few days to several months depending on the plant species
- Quiescence is the phenomenon in which the seeds fail to germinate for want of a particular environmental factor.
Types of Dormancy
- Primary dormancy
- This is also called as innate dormancy
- These seeds enter in to dormancy much before they harvested i.e. when they are still on their mother plant itself
- For instance:
2-3 months in Virginia runners of ground nuts
Up to 40 days after the seed is formed in sunflower
- Secondary dormancy
- This is also called induced dormancy
- These seeds are dormant when they are harvested from the mother plant
- When they are exposed to brief periods of unfavorable environmental condition they show dormancy
- For instance:
Mustard seed exposed to high concentration of CO2
Wheat stored in high moisture content in air tight containers at 50 °C.