About Lesson
Fences and walls
- Selection of place having good marketing, irrigation transport, labor and other essential facilities
- Selection of an open, leveled site to avoid landslide and making farm operation easy
- Avoid river basin and jungle area to avoid flood and various pests
- Selection of proper ventilated place with better sunlight preferably facing north-east
Other planning in orchard
- Orchard building, roads, path, fencing, windbreaks, layout, system of planting, spacing of planting etc are especially emphasized in planning
- Generally, 10 % of the total area is left aside for building, roads, paths, tube wells, channels etc
- At the very entry of the orchard, provision of watch hut should be made
- Farm building should be located in the centre of the orchard
- Provision of storage house, packing etc. should be made while planning orchard
- Roads approaching every corner of the orchard should be provided and preferably the cut roads should be at right angle
- Generally, a road of 10 to 15 feet inside the orchard serves the purpose of movement of carts, motors and machinery inside the orchard