About Lesson
Fruits classification
A. Temperate Fruits
a. Tree fruits
I. Fruits born on trees
A. Pomes:
- Fleshy fruits in which inner portion of the pericarp forms dry paper like core
- Example: apple and pear
B. Drupes/Stone
- Simply fleshy fruits having a stony endocarp
- Example: Peach, Plum, Apricot etc
C. Nuts
- Fruits borne on trees and are characterized by a hard shell
- Example: Walnut, Macadamia nut etc
II. Small fruits
- Fruits borne on small or low growing plants such as vines and shrubs
- Example: Grapes and Strawberry
- Tropical and sub-tropical fruits
a. Herbaceous perennials
- Fruit borne on perennial herbaceous plants on tropical and subtropical regions
- Example: Banana, Pineapple, Papaya
b. Tree fruits
- Fruits borne on trees of tropical and subtropical regions
- Example: Orange, Mango, Litchi, Guava etc
c. Nuts
- All tropical and subtropical nuts
- Example: Cashew nut