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Meaning of horticulture, its branches and its relation with other disciplines
Riverbed farming
Learn Introductory Horticulture with Rahul
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Plant Growth may be defined as an increase in size, morphology and weight

  • Growth means increase in cell number, size, and developmental differentiation
  • Growth involves an increase in dry mass, duplication of protoplasm, cell multiplication, and a permanent increase in volume
  • Growth is a process in which the organism passes in orderly stages of development through time and the internals necessary to encompass the various critical stages
  • Growth , development, and differentiation in the plant is the outcome of highly organized and specialized physiological process which are guided by the growth substances to bring change
  • Growth is the permanent and irreversible increase in volume and weight about by cell division, cell elongation and increase in protoplast
  • Increase of organic matter or formation of new protoplasm is basis to the phenomenon of growth
  • The increase in size or volume due to growth should not be confused with the temporary increase in size and volume of certain organs due to imbibition of water
  • Growth is a quantitative term, related only to changes in size and mass
  • For cells, growth is simply an irreversible increase in volume
  • For tissues and organs, growth normally reflects an increase in both cell number and cell size