Course Content
Meaning of horticulture, its branches and its relation with other disciplines
Riverbed farming
Learn Introductory Horticulture with Rahul
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Methods of Renovation

: • These are the grafting methods which are adopted to rejuvenable the old threes having religious feeling or the plants injured deeply due to mechanical operation, pests disease at their, roots etc.


Double working

  • In some instances, scion cultivar fails to grow if grafted directly over the rootstock
  • To avert this situation, an intermediate stock is used in between root stock and scion.
  • Care is taken that intermediate stock is compatible to both rootstock and scion
  • The process of double working is accomplished in two successive years
  • During first years grafting of interstock is made on rootstock and during second year grafting on scion cultivar is made on interstock

Double working is in practice chiefly in pear

  • Beurre Hardy is the most widely used interstock
  • Besides this Old Home, Vicar or Winkfield, Pitmaston Duchess an Thompson are also suitable interstock
  • To raise Barlett variety pear, Old home interstock is budded on the Quince rootstock
  • Finally, Barlett scion is inserted directly over the Old Home
  • Bridge grafting is also a example of double working