About Lesson
Moisture/ Water stress
- Too much water (water logging condition) or too less water (draught condition) can cause problem for horticultural crop production
a. Drought condition
- It is one of the major factors limiting crop production in Nepal for horticultural crops
- It is a condition that means a lack of precipitation over a prolonged period of time
- Plant response to drought accompanies change in both physical and physiological components in plants
Physical changes due to draught condition in plants
- Reduction of water potential or activity of cellular water
- Turgor pressure is decreased and plasmolysis takes place
- Salt concentration increases
- Leaves become senescent faster
- Nutrient uptake from soil is decreased
Physiological changes due to draught condition
- Cell growth and cell division decreases
- Chlorophyll formation is decreased due to decrease in enzymatic activity
- ABA(abscissic acid) and ethylene are increased while cytokinin is decreased
- Respiration rate is reduced due to stomatal closure
Draught Overcome
- Regular irrigation
- Planting draught resistant crops
- Use of mulches
- Increase field capacity by adding organic matter
b. Water logging condition
- It is a condition of water in field, excess than required
- Excessive rainfall, excessive water retention by soil, too much field irrigation, poor drainage, high water table etc. causes water logging condition Effects of excess water in plants
- Decrease respiration in plant root
- Water uptake is greatly reduced
- Leaching of nutrient take place
- Some disease problem are also seen Example: damping off
Water logging overcome
- Maintain proper drainage system
- Planting resistance variety and appropriate crops like paddy crops select