Course Content
Meaning of horticulture, its branches and its relation with other disciplines
Riverbed farming
Learn Introductory Horticulture with Rahul
About Lesson

Salt Stress

  • Soil salinity is a worldwide problem in crop production especially in arid and semi arid region where soil have high salt levels
  • Depending on specific conditions one or more no of salt ions such as Na + , Cl – , Mg ++ , HCO 3- , SO 4 — etc may be present within root zone in high concentration and thus affect crop growth


Effects of high salt in soil

  • High concentration of specific ions can be toxic and induce physiological disorder
  • Soluble salts decrease the water potential of the nutrient medium and hence restricts the water uptake by plant roots
  • Decreases enzymatic activity
  • Decreases protein synthesis
  • Affects activity of mitochondria and chloroplast


Measures to overcome salt stress

  • Reclamation: gypsum application(CaSO 4 )
  • Salt tolerant new varieties cultivation. Eg: halophytes
  • Drain out salt by heavy irrigation
  • Addition of organic matter to the soil