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Meaning of horticulture, its branches and its relation with other disciplines
Riverbed farming
Learn Introductory Horticulture with Rahul
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Some special methods of training

  1. Bush system
  • In this system, the height of the plant is kept 2 meters
  • During first year, the plant is cut at height of 70 cm
  • No shoot is allowed to grow up to a height of 25 cm to 30 cm
  • Above this height, 3 to 4 branches are allowed to grow over which number of branches emerge out
  • The plants acquire the shape of bush
  • The centre of the plant is kept open
  • This system is suitable for apple


Fig : Bush system


  1. Pyramid system
  • In this system, the plants are trained in a fashion so that the lower branches may remain longer and higher branches gradually smaller
  • The alternative tiers of horizontal branches radiating from main stem scattered all around, gives the plant an appearance of pyramid
  • The branches are allowed to grow on main stem at 20 cm height from ground level
  • The plants are pruned from the tip of main stem and branches to maintain pyramid shape


  1. Espalier system
  • It refers to the support used for training trees especially apples and pears


  • The tree trained through this system consists of three to six tiers of horizontal branches trained to grow one foot apart from one another at right angles to the main stem
  • Thus, the branches grow parallel to the ground


Fig : Espalier system


  1. Cordon system
  • Cordon refers to closely spurred single stemmed tree tied to a support. E.g wires of bamboo canes, either in vertical, oblique or horizontal position
  • This system usually finds favour in apples and pears

Fig : Cordon system


  1. Tatura trellis
  • This is a system of training fruit trees along with trellis of wire to harvest early and high yield without use of dwarfing rootstock
  • The alignment of tree lies in the centre of trellis and its branches are trained along the wires of trellis