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Meaning of horticulture, its branches and its relation with other disciplines
Riverbed farming
Learn Introductory Horticulture with Rahul
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Symptoms of Incompatibility:

  • Graft union malformation resulting incompatibility usually expresses the following external symptoms viz.

a) Failure to from a successful graft or bud union with a high percentage of success.

b) Yellowing of leaves in the latter part of the growing season followed by early defoliation accompanied by decline in vegetative growth. Appearance of shoot dies back and general in health of the tree.

c) Premature death of the trees which may live only a year or two in the nursery.

d) Marked difference in the growth rate or vigour of scion and stock.

e) Over growth at, above or below the graft union.


  • Incompatibility has been ensured in sweat oranges. Cv. Mosabi when grafted on trifoliate orange. (Citrus maxima).


Why Grafting and Budding?

  • Plant propagation with cottage and leverage is very easy, cheap and economical, however, grafting and budding is necessary because.

a) When other methods are not successful.

b) Adoptability for pest, diseases, tolerance to cold unsuitable climate by using suitable root stock.

c) Converting inferior plants in to superior one e.g. side grafting in mango.

d) To modify the growth of fruit plant. E.g. by using dwarfing rootstocks.