Introduction, history, classification, trade, importance, prospects and constraints of medicinal and aromatic plants
Trade of medicinal plants from Nepal
Importance of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Constraints of MAPS cultivation in Nepal
Research status of MAPs in Nepal
Extraction and storage methods for MAPS
General methods of extractions of medicinal plants/ formulation
Methods of extraction for medicinal plants
Methods of extraction of essential oils or fragrance
Distillation Technology for Essential Oils or fragrance
Scarification & Expression Methods for Essential Oils or fragnance
Enfleurage method (extraction with cold fat)
Maceration (extraction with hot fat)
Methods of extraction of Alkaloid
Storage of Medicinal Plants
Types of packaging material
Raw materials for the fragrances/Aromatic plants extracts
Plant profile, description, origin, distribution, cultivation, management, harvesting and chemical evaluation of MAPS
Rauvolfia serpentina (Indian snakeroot)