Ornamental horticulture in Nepal
Significance and Importance of Ornamental Horticulture
Prospects of Ornamental horticulture in Nepal
Constraints of Ornamental horticulture in Nepal
Terminology Related to Lawn, Garden and Landscape Design
Rose (Rosa spp., Rosaceae)
Orchids (Orchidaceae)
Classification of Orchids
Climatic and Environmental Requirements
Multiplication of Orchids
Structure for Growing Orchids
Gladiolus (Gladiolus spp L., Iridaceae)
Propagation and Planting Material
Land Preparation and planting of corms
Manuring and Fertilization
Corm and cormel harvesting and handling
Tuberose (Polyanthes/Polianthes tuberosa L., Agavaceae)
Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum spp., Asteraceae)
Growing of Chrysanthemum in Pots
Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus)
Lawns and its management
Selection of grass for lawn
Plants specimens suitable for bonsai
Landscape gardening/design
Factors Affecting the Landscape Design
Indoor gardening
Arrangement of indoor plants depending upon light and temperature requirement
Maintenance/Management of Indoor Plant
Establishment of nursery enterprise
Basic consideration for the nursery enterprise establishment
Basic Components of Nursery