About Lesson
Factors affecting development of infection
- Surrounding environment
- Temperature
- Relative humidity
- Chilling injury
- Mechanical injury
- pH of the produce
- Ripening conditions.
Control and Management of infection
- Different chemicals are used for different diseases Benzimidazole fungicide, Guazatine fungicide, Chlorine, wash water, Sulphur dioxide, grape guard, Fungicide should be applied within 24 hours of harvest.
The success of chemical control depends on:
- The depth of infection
- The growth rate of infection
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Depth to which chemical can penetrate
- Spray load of chemical
Physical method includes
- Hot water dip (50-55 °C)
- Modified atmosphere
- Irradiation
- Good sanitation
Biological method includes
- BioSaver (pseudomonus syringea [29.8%])to control postharvest rots of pome fruits, gray mold, blue mold
- Aspire (yeast) (Candida oleophila) to control postharvest rots of citrus fruits, green mold.