About Lesson
Problems and Constraints to the Development of the Agro-Processing Sector
Some of the constraints which seem to bedevil the development of the agro-industrial sector in Dominica and the wider CARICOM region include:
- An inconsistent and insufficient supply of raw material
- Seasonality of crops
- Poor quality of raw material supply and high losses during transport from farm to factory
- Inappropriate or obsolete processing and ancillary equipment
- Poor and inconsistent quality of processed products
- Sub-optimal use of processing facilities and equipment
- Poorly trained personnel and a lack of qualified food technologists
- A lack of proper hygiene and sanitation practices
- Inappropriate packaging materials and high packaging cost
- Weak or non-existent market development
- A lack of technical support for the agro-industrial sector
- Absence of good management of the processing facility once commercialized
- Suitability and Availability of Raw Materials
- Research and Technology and Technical Support for Agro-Industrial Development
- Management, Finanace and Marketing Support Mechanisms