Process of curing in cut surface of potato
➢ Deposition of suberin in cut surface
➢ Cell below the itagawa layer becomes meristematic and give rise to protective
layer of cell i.e. periderm
➢ Dense network of periderm is called phellem
➢ Cultural practices of curing
➢ bending of neck of onion
➢ Dehaulming of potato
➢ Check irrigation before harvesting
Factor affecting curing
a) Temperature:
❖slightly higher than growing temp
❖For hilly areas root crops: 15-25°C
❖For plain areas root crops: 26-34°C
b) Relative Humidity:
❖Favorable RH: 80-95%
❖High temperature and high RH favors curing
c) Gases:
❖Wound healing doesn’t occurs if CO2 is higher than 10% and oxygen is less than