Respiration is the process by, which stored organic materials (Carbohydrates, protein, and fat) are broken down into simple end products with a release of heat and energy. Oxygen is used in this process and carbondioxide is produced. The loss of stored food reserved in the commodity during respiration means-
- The hastening of senescence
- Reduce food value (energy value) for the consumer
- Loss of flavor, quality, especially sweetness
- Loss of salable dry weight
So, it’s very good indicator of the potential postharvest life. The faster respiration is the shorter the post harvest life.
Faster respiration means faster release of heat, which increases the temperature of the surrounding of the commodity especially if packed tightly. This result in a further increase of respiration rate. The energy source is soon depleted and the buildup of compounds necessary for maintaining the organization of the tissue and cells stops and these finally breakdown. Thus, commodities with high respiration rates cannot be expected to last long.