Course Content
Basic differences in the physiology of attached and detached organs
Factor affecting physiological activity of harvested organs
Market and marketing systems of perishable commodities
Status and problems of marketing of horticultural produce in Nepal
Learn Post Harvest Horticulture with Rahul
About Lesson


  • Ripening is the process of developing all the desirable characteristics of fruits. Ethylene has been shown to act like a switch to trigger changes associated with ripening.
  • The fruit becomes soft, less acidic, sweet and aromatic. Often ripening is associated with the development of yellow color.
  • Ripening is usually practiced in climacteric fruits. In climacteric fruits there is autocatalytic ethylene production.
  • Once the climacteric fruits are exposed to supra-optional level of ethylene autocatalytic production occurs and initiates climacteric rise.
  • The development of sweet taste at ripe stage is as results of breakdown of acids than sugar and also due to reduction in moisture as a result of dehydration.
  • In non-climacteric fruits treatments with ethylene will improve the color as in oranges, the process is known as degreening since the green color is replaced by yellow orange or orange color.