About Lesson
- Refers to removing damaged commodity from the collection.
- Remove rotton, diseased, infested mechanically damaged, immature and over mature fruits (removal of undesirable fruits and vegetable).
- Grading is the process of classifying the produce into groups according to the set of organized criteria of quality and size.
- Grade can be A, B, C or 1,2, 3 or fine, course or large, medium, small etc.
- Sometimes the term sizing and grading are used synonymously in which grading is based on size.
- After grading the produce is sized uniformly. Hand sizing is useful for small-scale packaging. It can be done mechanically. The standard size classification of potato is
- Large: Whose diameter is 75 mm or above
- Medium: Whose diameter is between 40-75 mm
- Small: Whose diameter is between 30-40 mm
- Tolerance limit is 5 percent
- General term for curing or removing unwanted parts, those likely to be rejected by consumer or those which will shorten storage life.
- The process trimming also includes dehanding (separation of hands and stalk in banana), dethroning (removal of thrones in roses) and detopping (removal of tops in garlic, onion, radish, carrot etc.).
- Fumigation is an important packinghouse operation in the case the fruit and vegetables are exported to other countries.
- Methyl bromides, ethylene dibromide, SO2, ethylene oxide etc. are generally used fumigants to disinfect horticultural commodities from harmful and devastating insect pest.