Sorting, Grading and Sizing
➢ Sorting is done by hand to remove the fruits which are unsuitable to market or storage due to damage by insects, diseases or mechanical injuries.
➢ The remainder crop product is separated into two or more grades on the basis of the surface colour, shape or visible defects. For eg, in an apple packing house in India 3 grades viz. Extra Fancy, Fancy and standard may be packed for marketing. The fourth “cull” grade is meant for processing.
➢ After sorting and grading, sizing is done either by hand or machine.
➢ Machine sizers work on two basic principles: weight and diameter. Sizing on the basis of fruit shape and size are most effective for spherical (Oranges, tomato, certain apple cultivars) and elongated (Delicious apples and European pears or of non-uniform shape) commodities, respectively.