About Lesson
Types of Post harvest deterioration
- It is of following types
1) Physical deterioration:
- It occurs due to inappropriate harvesting and post harvest handling (Lesions and browning)
- It not only affects appearance attributes (Skin and flesh) but also creates sites for pathogen infection and water loss.
- Physical injury stimulates ethylene production and respiration in plant tissues.
- That leads to acceleration of senescence.
- Injuries occurs during harvesting, cleaning, packaging, loading, unloading, transport, etc.
- Freezing injury is also a type of physical injury and occurs when crystals form in tissues.
2) Physiological deterioration:
- Are abiotic non-transferable problem arising from the interaction between the commodity and climate.
- A number of physiological processes occur in the harvested, non processed horticultural products that contribute to deterioration of fruits and vegetables.
3) Pathological deterioration
- 30% loss by post harvest pathogen only.
- Fungi, bacteria are major MO.
- Diseases are higher when temperature and RH is higher.
- Pathogens not only produce diseases but also produce ethylene gas and lead to deterioration of commodity at faster rate.