Course Content
Basic differences in the physiology of attached and detached organs
Factor affecting physiological activity of harvested organs
Market and marketing systems of perishable commodities
Status and problems of marketing of horticultural produce in Nepal
Learn Post Harvest Horticulture with Rahul
About Lesson

Types of Post harvest deterioration

  • It is of following types

1) Physical deterioration:

  • It occurs due to inappropriate harvesting and post harvest handling (Lesions and browning)
  • It not only affects appearance attributes (Skin and flesh) but also creates sites for pathogen infection and water loss.
  • Physical injury stimulates ethylene production and respiration in plant tissues.
  • That leads to acceleration of senescence.
  • Injuries occurs during harvesting, cleaning, packaging, loading, unloading, transport, etc.
  • Freezing injury is also a type of physical injury and occurs when crystals form in tissues.


2) Physiological deterioration:

  • Are abiotic non-transferable problem arising from the interaction between the commodity and climate.
  • A number of physiological processes occur in the harvested, non processed horticultural products that contribute to deterioration of fruits and vegetables.


3) Pathological deterioration

  • 30% loss by post harvest pathogen only.
  • Fungi, bacteria are major MO.
  • Diseases are higher when temperature and RH is higher.
  • Pathogens not only produce diseases but also produce ethylene gas and lead to deterioration of commodity at faster rate.