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Learn Pig and Poultry Production with Rahul


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Course content


Introduction, scope and statistics of pig and poultry

Common terminologies used in Pig
Common terminologies in Poultry
Introduction to Swine/Pig farming in Nepal
Scope of Pig production in Nepal
Importance of pig farming in Nepal
Issues of pig farming in Nepal
Problem of swine farming in Nepal
Major issues of poultry production in Nepal
Suggestions for Sustainable poultry production In Nepal.

Care and management of newborn piglets, pregnant sow and breeding boar

Housing systems, materials and essentials for housing

Breeds of pig and poultry (broilers, layers and dual purpose)

Materials and design of poultry housing

Egg formation, selection of eggs for table purpose and incubation

Factors essential for best hatching

Brooding methods (natural and artificial)

Common managerial practices for broilers and layers

Biosecurity in a commercial farm

About Course

Pig and Poultry Production offers a detailed overview of modern pig and poultry farming practices. The course covers breeding, housing, nutrition, health management, and marketing strategies to improve productivity and profitability in swine and poultry enterprises.

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Material Includes

  • Lessons: Comprehensive guides on farming techniques, nutrition plans, and disease control.
  • Quizzes: Regular assessments to reinforce key concepts.
  • Case Studies: Real-life farm management scenarios for practical insights.
  • Field Exercises: Hands-on activities for improved learning outcomes.

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