Introduction, scope and statistics of pig and poultry
Common terminologies used in Pig
Common terminologies in Poultry
Introduction to Swine/Pig farming in Nepal
Scope of Pig production in Nepal
Importance of pig farming in Nepal
Issues of pig farming in Nepal
Problem of swine farming in Nepal
Major issues of poultry production in Nepal
Suggestions for Sustainable poultry production In Nepal.
Care and management of newborn piglets, pregnant sow and breeding boar
Care and management of the breeding boar
How to take care of breeding boar?
Housing systems, materials and essentials for housing
Housing system of poultry
Types of Intensive System of Housing of poultry
Floor space requirement in different system
Selection of housing location for pig
Breeds of pig and poultry (broilers, layers and dual purpose)
Materials and design of poultry housing
Layout Plans for Poultry House Construction
Different types of poultry houses
Egg formation, selection of eggs for table purpose and incubation
Selection of eggs for table purpose
Factors affecting natural incubation
Factors essential for best hatching
Brooding methods (natural and artificial)
Management of chicks in the brooder
Common managerial practices for broilers and layers
Common managerial practices for broilers
Common managerial Practices for Layers
Biosecurity in a commercial farm
Infectious diseases can be spread from farm to farm by
Good Biosecurity practices