Course Content
Basic differences in the physiology of attached and detached organs
Factor affecting physiological activity of harvested organs
Market and marketing systems of perishable commodities
Status and problems of marketing of horticultural produce in Nepal
Learn Post Harvest Horticulture with Rahul
About Lesson


  • Packing is the technology or process that ensures adequate protection and safe delivery of a produce from the producer to the consumers.
  • The package is the structure designed to contain produce. The act of putting commodities in a package is packing.
  • In packing series of steps which includes all those practices done after harvest to prepare the commodity for market or for long term storage ex. Cleaning, grading, fumigation, packing, labeling etc.
  • Depending on the kind of produce additional activities may include, curing, washing, bunching, chemical treatment and pre-cooling etc.


Functions of packing

  • Contains a convenient size or amount of a produce-a package assembles the produce into convenient unit for easy handling.
  • Protects produce in transit from physical damage, which affects external and internal appearance.
  • Displays the produce and promotes its sale in self-service stores.