Course Content
Basic differences in the physiology of attached and detached organs
Factor affecting physiological activity of harvested organs
Market and marketing systems of perishable commodities
Status and problems of marketing of horticultural produce in Nepal
Learn Post Harvest Horticulture with Rahul
About Lesson


  • An effective quality assurance (QA) system throughout the handling steps between harvest and retail display is essential to provide a consistently good-quality supply of fresh horticultural crops to the consumers and to protect the reputation of a given marketing label.
  • QA starts with the selection of the genotype and its proper time to harvest for the best appearance, textural, flavor (taste and aroma), and nutritional (including phytonutrients) quality. Careful harvesting and handling are required to minimize physical injuries.
  • Each postharvest handling step has the potential to either maintain or reduce quality and, in a few cases, (such as ripening of climacteric fruits) improve eating quality.