Course Content
Basic differences in the physiology of attached and detached organs
Factor affecting physiological activity of harvested organs
Market and marketing systems of perishable commodities
Status and problems of marketing of horticultural produce in Nepal
Learn Post Harvest Horticulture with Rahul
About Lesson


  • Maturity is the basis for determining the exact moment/stage to pick a crop.
  • The stage at which the crops should be harvested has an important bearing on quality. Good quality is obtained when harvesting is done at the proper stage of maturity.
  • Fruits harvested before optimum maturity may not ripen adequately and may not develop good flavor, while crops harvested late (over mature) will have a shorter post-harvest life and deteriorate easily.


Maturity indices

  • Maturity indices are the sign or indication of the readiness of the commodity for harvest. Thus, it is the basis for determining harvest date.