About Lesson
Methods of ripening and degreening
1.Use of ethylene gas:
- Ethylene is available in gas tank, more expensive for small producer and retailer, threshold level-0.2-1.0 ppm.
- Recommended conc.-Varies depending upon method of application, commodity and cultivar.
- The greener and younger the fruit the longer is the degreening and ripening period require.
- It is explosive at 30,000 ppm or 3%. However, effective degreening concentrations range from 100-1000 ppm.
2.Use of polyethylene tent for ethylene treatment:
- This technique was developed by itagawa of Japan and used for degreening citrus.
3.Treatment with ethephon:
- An expensive methods for small farmers and traders. It is sold as ethrel, which contains 4 lbs./gal or 480 g/l of ethephone as active ingredient.
- Concentration for ripening- 2500- 5000 ppm for banana, 1000 ppm for mango.
- For degreening- 100 kg of orange 2 ml of ethrel with 100-200 ml of water in a open bottle (4800-9600 ppm).
Method- dipping, spraying
4.Treatments with acetylene gas:
- Activity of acetylene is 100 times less than that of ethylene.
5.Treatments with calcium carbide:
- It is cheap and a readily available source of acetylene in rural areas sold in the form of irregular size chunks.
- Acetylene is released through reaction with water released from transpiring fruits.
CaC2 +Â Â Â Â Â Â H2O —-> C2H2 +Â Â Â Â Â Â CaO
- A lot of heat is produced during above reaction. The heat increases temperature and makes suitable environment for ripening.
- It leaves a distinctive odor when a container with carbide is opened but the odor disappears after aeration.
Method of application-
- Usually-small chunk is wrapped and placed at the bottom, middle of the container or among the fruit.
- The container is then sealed tightly and opened after 1-3 days depending on the commodity.
- Wrapping material for calcium carbide should be porous or allow diffusion of gases.
- Majorities of banana sold in Nepalese markets are treated with calcium carbide.
- Amount of calcium carbide- 162 g of CaC2 gives of 2 cu ft of acetylene. Usually 1 g/ k.g fruit.
6.Use of bioethylene:
- Ripening fruits of climacteric type and leaves of some tree that produce more ethylene ex. Bauhinia sp., Gliricidia sepium (70-100 gm leaves / kg of fruits).
7.Use of stress ethylene:
- Wounding (inserting a stick in the pedicel, pinching, twisting, pricking with a pin) plasmolysis (putting salt on the stem scar, soaking short period of time in sea water), moisture loss
8.Use of smoke:
9.Use of increased temperature to accelerate ripening