Importance , Scope and constraints of horticulture
Importance of Horticultural Crops
Scope of Horticultural Crops in Nepal
Constraints of Horticulture Development in Nepal
Meaning of horticulture, its branches and its relation with other disciplines
Relation of horticulture with other science
Agro- ecological zoning and niches from horticultural perspective
Important niches of different horticultural crops
Economic significance of agro ecological zoning of Nepal
Basic principles and techniques of off season and protected horticulture and their prospects in Nepal
Off-seasons vegetable cultivation techniques in Nepal
Principles of organic farming
Limitations of organic horticulture
Basics principles of high-density planting, multi- storied cropping and multiple cropping with horticultural crops
Objectives/principles of high-density planting
Benefits of high-density planting
Benefits of multi storied cropping
Constraints in adopting multistoried cropping
Importance and prospects of indigenous horticultural plants and their significance in nutritional and food security in Nepal
Challenges in promoting underutilized horticulture crops
Importance of horticulture crops as nutrition
Nutrition benefit of horticulture crops
Principles of urban and pre urban horticulture
Basics of plant propagation
Introduction of plant propagation, sexual method and asexual method
Seed Germination and Seed Propagation
Seed viability and longevity
Pre – germination Seed Treatment
Asexual Propagation in Plants
Plant Propagation by cutting
Plant Propagation by Layering
Plant Propagation by Specialized Structures
Symptoms of Incompatibility
Limits of Grafting and Budding
Classification of horticulture crops
Horticultural plant classification
Botanical Classification of Horticulture Crops
Factors affecting horticultural crop production
The factors affecting horticultural crops
Effects of low temperature stress
Measures to overcome low and high temperature stress
Irradiation (light) Stress
Seed germination and Dormancy
Factors affecting germination of seed
Physiology of germination
Biochemical changes during seed germination
Factors affecting seed germination
Remedial measures/methods to break dormancy
Environmental factors affecting flowering
Flower initiation and development
Fertilization and Fruit set
Orchard Establishment and Management
Site selection for orchard
Various layout of orchard
Wind break and Shelter belt
Planting, soil and water management
Handling of plant materials
Soil and Fertilizer Management
Concentrated organic manures
Application of fertilizers
Water management (irrigation)
Plant Growth and Development
Course of growth/ Growth Curve (Grand Period of Growth)
Factors Influencing Growth
Plant growth regulators
What are plant growth regulators?
Importance of plant growth regulators
Principles and Practices of Training and Pruning
Objectives of training and pruning
Some special methods of training
Training methods for grapes vines