Importance and Status of post-harvest horticulture in Nepal.
Scope of postharvest horticulture in Nepal
Constraints of post harvest horticulture in Nepal
Constraints in the development of post harvest enterprises
Problems and Constraints to the Development of the Agro-Processing Sector
Solutions to problems in such enterprises
Causes of post harvest deterioration: Physical, physiological and pathological
Types of Post harvest deterioration
Physiological process that leads to deterioration of produce
Preharvest factors role in physiological deterioration
Post harvest factors role in physiological deterioration
Basic differences in the physiology of attached and detached organs
Post harvest physiology
Respiration, energy and ripening
Factors affecting transpiration
Classification of the commodities according to the rate of respiration
Technical Consideration for the effectiveness of ethylene
Undesirable effects of ethylene
Inhibiting the effects of ethylene
Factor affecting physiological activity of harvested organs
Different methods of precooling
Process of curing in cut surface of potato
Maturity indices of horticultural commodities
Determination of maturity
Packing house operation
Factors affecting the curing process in root/tuber crops
Advantages of accelerated ripening
General techniques in degreening and in accelerating ripening
Methods of ripening and degreening
Post harvest commodity profiles
Different types of maturity
Maturity indices of vegetable crops
Post harvest diseases and their control
Factors affecting development of infection
Post harvest insect pest and their control
Angoumois grain moth (Sitotroga cerealella)
Indian meal moth ( Plodia interpunctella)
Rice Moth ( Corcyra cephalonica)
Potato tuber moth (Phthorimoea operculella)
Mediterranean flour moth (Ephestia kuchniella)
Basic steps for insect control
Types of control measures
Conditions for application of phostoxin
Rodents and their control
Physiological disorders, their causes and preventive measures
Market and marketing systems of perishable commodities
Status and problems of marketing of horticultural produce in Nepal
Problems of marketing of horticultural produce
Strategies to cope with this problem
Post-harvest handling, packaging and transportation
Post-harvest handling Operations
Different methods of precooling
Washing, Cleaning and Trimming
Sorting, Grading and Sizing
Requirements of a Good Package
Preservation of fruits and vegetables
Addition of color and flavor
Tomato Ketchup Preparation
Recipe for tomato ketchup for 10 liter
Quality of produce and its evaluation
Quality control and assurance
Standardization and inspection of fresh produce