Introduction, scope and statistics of ruminant
Importance of Ruminant production in Nepal
Problems of ruminant production in Nepal
Care and management of cattle and buffalo
Care and management of Pre-ruminant calves
Care and Management of Dry cow
Care and management of Bulls
Maintaining high fertility level in a herd
Care and management of Sheep and Goat
Under stall-fed condition
Management of lambs and kids
Care during pregnancy period of sheep and goat
Methods of docking in lamb
Housing principles and housing of ruminant
Selection of site for establishment of New farm
Artificial rearing of newborn calf (cattle, buffalo, yak and chauri)
Artificial rearing of newborn kids and lambs
Choosing Lambs for Artificial Rearing
Feeding Systems for Artificially Reared Lambs
Feeding Milk Replacer to Lambs
Solid Feed – Creep Feeding
Castration, dehorning of farm animals
Grooming and dusting of farm animals
Dipping and Shearing of farm animals
Precautions for dipping sheep
Chemical used in dipping livestock and their concentrations
Caring of wool after shearing
Judging and selection of cattle, buffalo
Use of draft animals
Proper Feeding Strategies of Draft Animals
Milking methods and clean milk production
Cleaning in Place (CIP Method of cleaning)
Process of cleaning in Place (CIP)
Milk secretion and let down of milk